Bocconi Entrance Exam & SAT Preparation
Optimize your chances of succeeding in SAT and Bocconi University Entrance Exams with the help of one of our expert tutors.
Entrance Exams Preparation
Preparing for admission exams at a prestigious university like Bocconi can be a difficult task, but with the help of our experienced tutors you can face it confidently. We offer complete exam preparation services adapted to each student’s individual needs.
SAT Preparation
Our tutors have an average SAT Score of 1540 and can help you reach your target SAT score too. Our courses provide full preparation for the SAT test, covering all the possible types of questions that may arise on the Reading & Writing and Maths sections.
Bocconi Entrance Exam Preparation
TutorYou’s Bocconi Test Preparation Courses will help you understand how to navigate the 4 different sections of the exam, and the techniques necessary to utilise your reason to maximise your score.
Consulting for choice between SAT & Bocconi Test
Based on our diagnostic test, our expert consultants can help you select between applying with an SAT score or doing the Bocconi test to optimise your chances of admission.
How it Works
Diagnostic Test
Would you pass the Bocconi or SAT test if you take it now? Before you begin, we provide a diagnostic test to evaluate your current level of knowledge. This test helps us to understand your strengths and weaknesses and allows us to create a customized study plan based on your needs.
Catch-Up Lessons
If there are any areas on the SAT or Bocconi test – comprehension of passages, numerical reasoning, critical reasoning, abstract reasoning… – where you need to improve, we offer tutoring on the topics you may have most difficulty with. This way you have a solid foundation to move on to more advanced concepts.
Comprehensive Course
Our comprehensive course covers all possible questions that could come up on the exam, and provides you with strategies for tackling each question type. We give you practical tips and tricks to help you approach the exam with confidence and succeed
Final Practice Test
To prepare you for the real test, we offer a final practice test. This simulation of the Bocconi or SAT test is designed to simulate the real exam experience as closely as possible and provides valuable feedback on your skills. We use this feedback to optimize your skills and ensure that you will be fully prepared on exam day.
Personalised Report
At the end of the course, we provide you with a personalised report that outlines your progress and areas for improvement. This report provides you with valuable insights into your performance and gives you a clear roadmap for future study
Ready to Ace Your University Entrance Exams?
Let us help you achieve your academic goals and ensure your university application stands out from the rest with a top mark on your university entrance exams. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and get started on your journey to success!