TutorYou at the British Chamber of Commerce Artificial Intelligence Seminar

Thursday Morning TutorYou was at the Sheraton Diana Majestic Hotel for the British Chamber of Commerce Seminar on Artificial Intelligence. It was a lovely and informative seminar and we got to hear about some fascinating developments of IA in various industries.

There were some fantastic speakers such as Morgana Caldarini, the country manager at Artificial Solutions Italia, who discussed how AI could be used to enhance user experience in industries such as banking, by using virtual reality to create a immersive banking experience from the comfort of the user’s home. Peter Luntz introduced the brilliant programme Voxy, which enhances English language learning by creating unique, personalised lessons for each student. Giuseppe Curto and Roberta Di Nanni discussed the way in which AI is transforming the legal sector and the application Luminance, which is making lawyers’ lives easier across the world. Luca Giuratrabocchetta, the country leader of Amazon Web Services for Italy, introduced us to the fascinating way in which AWS uses AI. Last but not least, Marco Zappalorto discussed how Nesta incentivises innovation in the field of AI.

It was overall a great experience and we look forward to attending more British Chamber of Commerce events.

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