TutorYou at the Istituto Mose Bianchi University Orientation Fair in Monza

Today TutorYou was at Istituto Mose Bianchi in Monza for their University Fair. It was a huge event with around 2,500 students attending from schools all over Monza! TutorYou talked to many students who are looking to continue their education at university and wanted to know about the application process in a variety of different countries. They asked many insightful questions about applying to their courses and about how TutorYou can guide them through this process.

TuturYou brought information booklets and Undergraduate guides to many Universities from The UK, Holland, Spain, France and Germany to give the students as much information about prospective universities as possible and many took home the information booklets to continue their research. Students were applying to a variety of courses including languages, social sciences, humanities, and sciences. There was also many students in their penultimate year of school and it was great to see them start considering university programs already and being prepared for their applications in advance!

TutorYou would like to thank Istituto Mose Bianchi for organizing this event and giving TutorYou the opportunity to talk to so many students about their education and future!

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