UNITOUR Firenze, Milano and Torino

Over the last three days, we attended the UNITOUR International University Fair events in Florence, Milan and Turin. These are three of the UNITOUR events in Italy TutorYou attended this January during their European tour of Spain, Italy, Portugal and Andorra. The events are targeted towards high school students looking to make a decision on where to apply for university.

Organized and held for more than ten years now, UNITOUR fairs bring together prospective university students with admissions representatives from high profile universities from around Europe. Universities from United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, France, Holland, Germany, Spain and of course Italy were among some of the participants in the fairs.

We were present with our own stand promoting our uniquely tailored service for high school students who need a helping hand with the university application process. Our service is ideal for Italian high school students who may not be familiar with the application process for foreign countries due to our strong relationships with universities around the world and experience in aiding students with the process.

Our tutors with several of our partner universities: Goldsmiths, Lancaster, Westminster (Above) and Montepellier, Portsmouth (Below).

Keep yourself updated on our next events on our social media and don’t hesitate to contact us!

Instagram: tutoryou

Facebook: TutorYou

LinkedIn: TutorYou Alessia Cremona

TutorYou can help you! Contact us at info@tutoryou.eu and visit our site https://tutoryoubackup.dev.more.it/ and our university partnership section at https://tutoryoubackup.dev.more.it/index.php/university/

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