ICEF Berlin Workshop 2016

This was TutorYou’s second ICEF Workshop of the year! In September TutorYou had been to Liverpool’s Workshop and on the 3oth of October we travelled to Berlin for the ICEF Berlin 2016 Workshop.

ICEF workshops are designed to enable all participants to meet with other businesses, institutions and agents whom offer a variety of services, from University degrees to summer camps and courses to curricular summer experiences. At ICEF you can find so many different types of institutions offering numerous options for students interested in studying in the UK and Europe. For this reason our participation in this workshop is vital! We simply want the best for our students!!!

“The ICEF Berlin Workshop is the best and most efficient way to network across a broad range of industry professionals. Participants may also attend various seminars and presentations each providing valuable insights into the latest trends and research affecting international education…”

The ICEF Berlin Workshop is also the most comprehensive and cost-effective way to keep up with industry developments, share ideas with peers and extend your network through meeting top international education professionals, face-to-face and under one roof!

TutorYou had a great time at the Workshop! We enjoyed every minute of our meetings, and we hope to collaborate with all the institutions we met in the future!!!

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